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  1. #1 by Mr WordPress on March 16, 2011 - 10:38 pm

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  2. #2 by Alan Quinton on June 6, 2011 - 4:29 am

    How would this work during an emergency such as an earthquake when all usual communications are down (phones, TV, radio)?
    Can emergency services use this information in dealing with an emergency?

    • #3 by bethanyatkinsonquinton on June 6, 2011 - 8:33 am

      I think you make a really valid point, one which I haven’t thoroughly considered myself. I think that it is an unlikely event if all media sources were to go down simultaneously, however in saying that you have raised a great point regarding our dependency on technology to communicate. I do believe emergency services can use this new online media as a forum to educate others to prepare for circumstances such as what you have described, and in this way I think it could market a wider range of people than perhaps older forms of communication. At the click of a button, people could access emergency situation course of action plans etc proving that these new media forms aren’t useless after all when it comes to an SOS.

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