Archive for category Informal Blog Posts

Piracy is okay… until someone finds out about it

WEEK 11: Anti-Piracy campaigns and their parodies…


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Forever connected

“Never in history has distance meant less.”– Alvin Toffler

Some rights reserved by Rosaura Ochoa

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Wikileaks, Wikileaks, Wikileaks

Some rights reserved by Abode of Chaos


Wikileaks is a prime example of the way the Internet can easily and efficiently relay information across the world. It’s been a scandal that has caused much controversy and many people were lobbying to shut it down. However, an attempt to shut it down seems somewhat redundant in this day and age where networks can copy and relay information in a matter of minutes. The full disclosure principle of this organization lead by Julian Assange can be seen as a revolutionary form of journalism that isn’t hindered by a media control. It is inspirational in its own right to express freedom of speech however ultimately due to the large violation of US classified information Wikileaks has been criticized more than it has been praised.


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There’s official.. then there’s Facebook official

”]”]In a society that is driven by social networks, it is no wonder that their influence has trickled into defining our relationships with eachother. It all started with myspace’s ‘top friends’ creating jealousy and anxiety amongst friendship groups. Where will it end? Or will ALL our relationships in the future be subjected to public scrutiny?

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WordPress, is it a web 2.0 application?

Attribution Some rights reserved by Nikolay Bachiyski

WordPress can undeniably be seen as a Web 2.0 application for numerous reasons.

WordPress relies on its users to produce and generate content which creates the very structure of their website. Users add value to the website as they are continuously updating and enhancing their blogs by adding new links, videos and pictures, consequently giving WordPress a competitive advantage against other websites.

WordPress is always increasing its number of bloggers, each blogger creating their own unique and unrestricted series of blogs. It also encourages interactivity across blogs, which creates the oppurtunity to actively engage and comment on other user’s blogs.

Every new blog created allows WordPress to maintain its distinctive nature as the great numbers of different and ever-changing blogs would be near impossible to create elsewhere on the Internet.

Another defining feature is the easy accessibility of WordPress. In today’s society, other devices such as iPhones and iPads, along side computers, make accessing websites such as WordPress extremely easy and convenient. This consequently allows WordPress to be accessible to a vast numbers of people allowing for uniqueness amongst bloggers.

Yet how does it manage to be a sustainable model I hear you say…

WordPress benefits its produsers by creating a free and safe domain for users to express their opinions and thus enhancing their sense of freedom. By users interacting with each other and continuously linking to other software, they are increasing data which increases the growth of the website. Yet ultimately the website remains sustainable because the collective intelligence harnessed can be used for commercial purposes.

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